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Age-sensitive seating options

Age-sensitive seating options

Development of a mock-up and a prototype of an age-sensitive seating option for public spaces in Muri-Gümligen near Bern

The Commune of Muri-Gümligen near Bern would like to make their public spaces more attractive to older members of the population. Among the elements people would like to see are age-friendly walking circuits and seating options. The SCDH developed a prototype of an age-sensitive seating option, based on designs by komform GmbH; it will be one of the options in a vote by the local population.


The policy document outlining the approach to aging (Altersleitbild) of the Commune of Muri-Gümligen calls, among other things, for the improvement of public spaces with a view to older persons. In pursuit of this aim, the local authority called in the specialised organisation GERONTOLOGIE CH and the agency komform GmbH. In a first step, a survey was conducted to collect information about the wishes, needs and difficulties of older members of the population, and a walking tour was carried out on site. On the basis of this participative analysis, a range of optimisation options were identified for the public spaces. Among the aspects addressed were the desire for age-appropriate walking circuits with adequate signage and frequent opportunities to sit down or use a toilet. The 3D visualisation of an age-sensitive seating option developed by komform was realised by the SCDH as a mock-up and prototype. Age-appropriate characteristics, multi-generation and double-sided use, and economical production, as well as disassembly/removability and maintenance by works depot employees were taken into account in the development of the seating.

The SCDH’s prototype, together with an existing model belonging to the commune and rival model, was tested and assessed by the local seniors council and the population of Muri-Gümligen. A decision as to the preferred model and the implementation will be taken in mid-February 2025.



  • October 2024 – December 2024

Type of Project

  • Service


  • Commune of Muri-Gümligen bei Bern


  • Commune of Muri-Gümligen near Bern
  • komform GmbH
  • Swiss Center for Design and Health / Roger Zimmermann, Jérôme Rütsche


  • Commune of Muri-Gümligen near Bern



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