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Everyone should be able to live in an environment that benefits their health.

The SCDH stands out for its breadth of expertise and its extensive network. Drive counts. So does experience.


We have many faces: architect, product designer, neuroscientist, industrial designer, carpenter, IT-specialist, biologist, economist or social scientist. This diverse mix of expertise makes the SCDH a unique center of excellence for design research in the health sector.


Stefan Sulzer

Management / Managing Director

Dr. Minou Afzali

Extended Management / Head of Research

Dr. Monika Codourey

Extended Management / Head of Living Lab ad interim / Healthcare Structures

Anke Garcia Barros

Extended Management / Head of People and Culture

Klaus-Martin Gareis

Extended Management / Head of Operations and ICT

Raphael Huber

Extended Management / Co-Head of Workshops

Holger Litzenburger

Extended Management / Head of Business and Finance

Jérôme Rütsche

Extended Management / Co-Head of Workshops

Yvonne Uhlig

Extended Management / Head of Communication and Marketing

Manuel Balzarek

Workshops / Open Space Area

Caroline Bücheler

Communication and Marketing

Viviane Burkhalter

Management Assistant

Michael Conrad

Living Lab / Data Science and Machine Learning

Patrizia Egloff

People and Culture / Hospitality

Rahel Inauen


Michaela Koch

Assistant Extended Management

Ramon Lehmann

Communication and Marketing

Dominic Müller

ICT / Support

Emma Nadol

Research / Service Design

Philipp Reinmann

Senior Business Development Manager

Barbara Schwärzler

Workshops / Materials collection

Lena Sunier

Finances and Business / Business Development

Magdalena Tomoff

Living Lab / Colour Design

Anja Walker

Communication and Marketing

David Wollschlegel

Living Lab / Interaction Design

Roger Zimmermann

Workshops / Metal workshop

Meri Zirkelbach

Workshops / Materials collection


The private sector, the scientific community and society are all part of the SCDH. They are actively integrated into the organisation through the shareholder base, the board of directors, the scientific and international advisory boards and through our partnerships. This structure ensures that all our projects are of relevance to society and of high quality, while also guaranteeing the optimal transfer of knowledge and technology.

The Confederation and the Canton of Bern will provide funding for the development of the SCDH until it becomes autonomous in 2030.

Swiss Confederation

Canton of Bern

The Board of Directors supports the SCDH both regarding the content of its work and in strategic matters. Its members are representatives of the shareholders, the Canton of Bern and the spheres of business, research and politics.

Dr. Paula Adomeit

Insel Gruppe AG / Department of Nursing / Director

Prof. Dr. phil., Dipl-Pol. Annika Frahsa

University of Bern / Faculty of Medicine / Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM) / Head of Research Group

Adèle Thorens Goumaz

HEIG-VD (School of Engineering and Management) / Professor, Board Member

Dr. Kate Molesworth

Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute / Health and Social Development Adviser

André Nietlisbach

Canton of Bern / Department of Economic Affairs, Energy and the Environment / Secretary General

Danielle Quaile

Girsberger Holding AG / CEO

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Wörwag (Chair)

Bern University of Applied Sciences / President

The Scientific Board guarantees the interdisciplinary scientific basis of the SCDH and its continuing innovation. The Scientific Board advises the SCDH on ongoing projects and jobs and on the development of its portfolio of products and services as well as on the choice of exploitation strategies in the area of knowledge and technology transfer. It is made up of faculty members from the University of Bern and the Bern University of Applied Sciences.

Dr. Minou Afzali

Extended Management / Head of Research

Prof. Dr. med. Guido Beldi

Inselspital, Hôpital universitaire de Berne / Bauchzentrum Bern / Clinique universitaire de chirurgie et médecine viscérales / Médecin-chef Chirurgie viscérale

Prof. Dr. med. Aristomenis Exadaktylos

Inselspital, Bern University Hospital / Emergency Department / Director and Chief Physician

Prof. William Fuhrer

Bern University of Applied Sciences / School of Architecture, Wood and Civil Engineering / Head of competence area Dencity / Professor of Urban Development and Mobility

Prof. Dr. Sabine Hahn

Bern University of Applied Sciences / School of Health Professions / Head of School of Nursing / Head of Applied Research and Development in Nursing

Prof. Dr. Deane Harder

Bern University of Applied Sciences / Business School / Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship / Lecturer

Prof. Michael Lehmann

Bern University of Applied Sciences / School of Engineering and Computer Science / Medical Informatics / Professor of Medical Informatics

Dr. Julia Rehsmann

Bern University of Applied Sciences / School of Health Professions / Institute of Social Anthropology / Research associate

Prof. Dr. Sang-Il Kim

Bern University of Applied Sciences / School of Engineering and Computer Science / Institute for Medical Informatics (I4MI) / Co-Head

Prof. Dr. Arne Scheuermann

Bern University of Applied Sciences / Academy of the Arts / Institute of Design Research / Head

Prof. Dr. MPH David Schwappbach

University of Bern / Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine / Professor of Patient Safety

Prof. Dr. Boris Szélpal

Bern University of Applied Sciences / School of Architecture, Wood and Civil Engineering / Professor of Architecture and Planning

Prof. Dr. Kim Oliver Tokarski

Bern University of Applied Sciences / Continuing Education Division / Head

Prof. Dr. Klazine van der Horst

Bern University of Applied Sciences / School of Health Professions / Director

Professors of design, architecture, health and political science from all around the world form the International Advisory Board. At the International Advisory Board symposiums, held twice each year, the direction and positioning of the SCDH’s work is further developed, the international relevance of its research projects is evaluated and exchange among experts strengthens international connections.

Prof. Jorge Frascara

University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada / Professor Emeritus

Prof. Dr. Anjali Joseph

Clemson University, South Carolina, United States / Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System / Endowed Chair in Architecture & Health Design / Professor of Industrial Engineering / Professor of Architecture

Prof. Dr. Evelyne de Leeuw

Université de Montreal, Quebec, Canada / Canada Excellence Research Chair in One Urban Health / Professor of Public Health

Prof. Dr. Debajyoti Pati

Texas Tech University, Lubbock, United States / Department of Design / Interior Design / Professor / Rockwell Endowment Chair

Prof. Dr. Ruth West

University of North Texas, Denton, United States / xREZ Art + Science Lab / Director / Professor

Prof. Dr. Helle Wijk

Gothenburg University, Gothenburg, Sweden / Sahlgrenska Academy / Health and Care Sciences / Professor

Chalmers University of Technology / Gothenburg, Sweden / Visiting Professor

Prof. Dr. Thomas Zeltner

University of Bern / Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine / Professor of Public Health, SWISS RED CROSS / Director

Nora Colman MD

Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia, USA / Pediatric Critical Care Medicine

Dr. Nirit Pilosof

Sheba Medical Centre, Ramat Gan, Israel / Head of Research, Innovation and Transformation



The SCDH maintains partnerships with private sector, research and political organisations. The involvement of partners in the SCDH’s activities takes a variety of forms.



Making contact is the first step towards collaboration. Reach out and get to know us. We look forward to meeting you.