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Oase.kleinbasel: design and further development of an intergenerational centre for palliative care and support

Part children’s hospice part care facility part residence – envisaged is a multigenerational centre in which people of all ages and with a variety of support needs can receive temporary or long-term professional care and support. Experts from the SCDH and the Bern University of Applied Sciences gather information about the needs of future centre’s users and submit a report to the centre to serve as the basis for the competition brief.


The Association Mehr Leben has been working towards the creation of an intergenerational centre for palliative care and support in Basel since 2017. The plan is to establish the new centre on a plot of land directly adjacent to a dementia care centre in Kleinbasel, the dandelion Pflegezentrum für Menschen mit Demenz. This existing care centre will be expanded and other structures already standing on the adjacent plot will be used for the new centre’s additional palliative and hospice care offerings. A new building is also being planned. Under the title “oase.kleinbasel”, the SCDH’s project involves drawing up initial idea sketches for the possible use of the area and initial parcel sketches and floor plans both for the planned hospice and for the expanded offerings of the dandelion care centre.

This planning material served as the basis for discussion for a workshop held on 15 November 2022 and attended by representatives from the dandelion care centre and from the Association Mehr Leben. The objectives are to ascertain the various needs existing in connection with the centre’s future offerings and to exchange ideas concerning the use of the plot and the buildings on it. The workshop was prepared, moderated and evaluated by an interdisciplinary research team made up of researchers from the SCDH and from various departments of Bern University of Applied Sciences.

The workshop results are compiled in a short report. This report serves as the basis for the competition brief for the intergenerational palliative and hospice care centre.


  • November 2022-March 2023

Type of project

  • Service


  • Swiss Center für Design and Health


  • dandelion Pflegezentrum für Menschen mit Demenz
  • Association Mehr Leben
  • Bern University of Applied Sciences / Department of Architecture, Wood and Civil Engineering
  • Bern University of Applied Sciences / Department of Health
  • Bern University of Applied S


  • dandelion Pflegezentrum für Menschen mit Demenz



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