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Co-designing with evidence

Co-designing with evidence

Linking cognition and architecture co-designing with evidence for human-centred healthcare environments

Presentation of the results of ETH Zurich research concerning the architecture of emergency wards using the Extended-Reality Simulation Area in the Living Lab and their evaluation by participants and students using defined scenarios.


Various architectural settings in emergency wards are analysed and visually assessed by participants and students as part of the R&D project of ETH Zurich (Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich) in the emergency department of the University Hospital Zurich (USZ).

The results of the studies are presented on the Extended-Reality Simulation Area in conjunction with the event “Linking Cognition and Architecture: Co-Designing with Evidence for Human-Centred Healthcare Environments” and evaluated using simulations of defined scenarios.


  • 9 March 2023

Type of project

  • Service


  • ETH Zürich / Chair of Cognitive Science / Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences


  • Swiss Center for Design and Health


  • ETH Zürich / Chair of Cognitive Science / Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences



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